Saturday, August 29, 2009

Making the most of Saturday

Saturday started off innocent enough. I got to school on time and starved the whole day through.Ah well, it IS fasting season so might as well shut my trap about it. Pity I didn't get to take my laptop out and do some browsing and all, maybe do something about my homework...

Oh, speaking of homework.

I finished it. 8Db

And speaking of finished, I've added more stuff on my blog. Looks more lively in here now. 8D I'd like it very much if anyone visiting is to spend some time going through my music selection, it was a pain to build up. D|

Oh right, class was pretty cool today, sin
ce the teacher didn't attend one. >3> She was busy with meetings so we were left to do a bit of party-ing in class. DS/PSP party. XDDDD

In other news....

Random doodle times!

All of which are related to a role-play I'm doing with a friend. XD



Friday, August 28, 2009

Opening Credits

So I've decided to blog once more after a long long hiatus. And what, you might ask, is the cause of my return to blogging?

I had a lot I wanted to write and re-read without having to wonder what it was I wanted to remember. >_>

Particularly now that I've landed myself in engineering college, I thought I'd start blogging. It was quite tempting, actually and I finally got around to doing it.

Regarding college, it's been fun so far. I got bump
ed up a year so I have skipped a whole year of basics... Here's hoping I manage. XD I've gotten into Wonderland Online as well, and I'm looking for a good PC so I can start playing more actively. My NEC is still in good shape, but I feel that it's about time I got a new one so I can safely put this one to retirement. D:

...God I feel like a dork now for still playing online games so actively.

Anyway, besides that, I haven't exactly found much time to do any drawing... I need to pick up my pencil more. Or my tablet. ...Yeah.

Hmm... I haven't found any good DS games to play recently either. I honestly need to go look for a nice long list of DS ROMs and download a few to entertain myself. At least while I don't have a PSP.

Speaking of game consoles...


Agh... adds one more chore to my list; fetching
my ATM card from the bank... I hate having to go out, to be honest. I'd rather stay home. Be a hermit and all that jazz. XD

Hmm hmm. So I need to figure out when allowance is coming out, pick up my ATM card, save up on cash, pay back whatever debts I have to my parents
, maybe fish out some cash from sis with the good ol' puppy-dog-eyes attack...

In other news, I've also returned to blogging because of games. King of Fig
hters in particular, oddly enough. I thought I retired from that franchise until my brother badgered me to pick up a copy of one of the latest KOF games.

Wanna know what it is?

Then... TAKE THAT!






This is all the fault of a certain Soiree Meira.

I can't help but love this fictional person. ;w; <3 SO SUE ME.
My good friend Naddy probably heard enough of me doing a mad fangirl squealing routine over Soiree to last her a lifetime. >_>;;

if the game itself wasn't enough... My sister discovered the promotional anime for KOF '06.


You guessed it.

I lost my voice squealing over a bout of Soiree vs. Iori.

You should be able to watch it on YouTube, just search for 'King of Fighters: Another Day'. It's the first episode. =D

And ow, I think this went on too long. I'll continue next time, given that I've got some other stuff to attend to like KOF '06, Chipsmore, Soiree, fasting tomorrow.... .....Soiree...

.....*schoolgirl giggle*

Good night everyone. <33333333


Time: 9:49 PM
Date: 28th August, 2009 [Friday]

P/S: Oh shoot. I forgot to do my homework.